
What is ccc?

"4 people who escaped from North Korea were protected at Aomori in Japan"- June 3 / 07
on the front page of Yomiuri newspaper

The 4 people is 3 men and woman. They left North Korea on May 27 with a wooden boat. According to the police interview, they are family and they got out North Korea because of hardship of life. Then, One of them is a fisher. First of all, they were going to go to South Korea, but security of near the borders is strict so they went for Japan. They hope to go to South Korea.

I think it is serious problem. We always hear about terrible situation of North Korea from news paper or media. I think its getting increase people who get out North Korea. If they are found government, they maight be killed but they want to change the hardship of life. There are lots of North Korean residents in Japan and they might call their surviving family, so we must care about this problem. Its not happen to other conunty, it is also connect with our country.

Familylife Homework

a. When do children usually leave home?
After graduate high school, if children goes to or work at other prectures, they leave home.
I think it is defnitely comfortable to stay with parents, but they never can get independent.
Actually, almost of all ay friends who stay with their parents rarely do housework because they depend on their parents.

b. How many people live in your home?
I live with 3 people; my mother, my grand mother and me.
I have 2 older brother and sister, but they leve home and live alone.

c. Do you have a head of the family?
A head of family is my father, but he has stayed for a long time in a hospital so he can't work now.

d. Who does the housework?
It is my mother. She does almost everything. Sometimes, I help cleaning or shopping
but I rarely cook.
e. Who runs the family?
I think it is my mother. She keeps acout everyday. My father doesn't so much care about budget.

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
I have 3 rooms to sleep in.


Names and adress homework

answer questions in the textbook on page 9 number 1,3 and 7.

1. How do you choose a child's given name in your family?
We pick up some names from the dictionary which contains children's names. Then we find out which names is the best stroke count and go with family name.

3. Does your given name or your family name mean anything?
My given name means child of sunshine. It means to be a happy child like sunshin.

7. How do you know if names are boys' names, girls' names, or both?
Kanji shows name mean, so I know the name mean from kanji in most cases.
Typically, if the last letter of name is ”子”, it means the person is a girl. Then, if the last letter of name is ”朗” or ”太”, it means the person is a boy. Recently, however, it is hard to make out which is the girls name or boy's name. For example, "Makoto" means both names.
Moreover, I think it is getting common to get international names; "譲二"(George)to pronounce easily for foreigners. 


Names and adsresses

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I think so. No matter where somebody is from, it is common. Because, people always express how they feel and what they think, so feeling emotions are storongly connected with facial expressions. For example,when people feel sad, they can be crying.
There are lots of differences for each countries, but I feel the only one common thing is feeling emotions and facial expressions.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

①kanasii(悲しい)- sad ②tanoshii(楽しい)- fun ③sabisii(寂しい)- lonely ④uresii(嬉しい)- glad ⑤siawase(幸せ)- happy ⑥okoru(怒る)- get angry ⑦natukasii(懐かしい)- miss ⑧odoroku(驚く)- be surprised ⑨kuyasii(悔しい)- regret ⑩sinnpai(心配)- worry  
⑪itai(痛い)-hurt ⑫tukareru(疲れる)-exhauste ⑬tumaranai(つまらない)-boring⑭irairasuru(いらいらする)-annoying

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

jyouchobukai(情緒深い), kanngaibukai(感慨深い),arienai(ありえない)

Class#4 Islam

Comment for the speaker
I had changed my impression of Islam after the speach.
Before the speach, my impression of Islam wasn't so good. I had expected terrorism and armed group but I found it is only small part of Islam.
Then, I think we should know about the othere good point of Islam.

1. How do you greet people in your life? Is it different for different people? Why?

when I greet my family or my friends, I just say "Ohayou". However, when I greet elders and betters, I say "Ohayou gozaimasu" with bow. "Ohayou gozaimasu" is more polite words than "ohayou". In Japan, we use more polite words, when we talk to elders and betters. Because, we respect good manners for the long time.

2. Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

I rarely touch people when I talk to them. Especially, I never touch new people. But, If I talk to familiar persons, I may touch them sometimes. Because I think it is rude to touch people who I met at first time and also I don't really know about them.