

1.Death and Funerals:
a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died? If not, then how would you express consolences to an American host family if their Grandmother died?

Yes, I have international friends and host family.
Ummm... this is difficult question. At first, I will send e-mail as soon as possible, then I tell them not to be dissapointed too much and I wanna tell them to call me whenever you need my help.

b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?

No, I' ve never been to a foreign funeral.
However, I have watched a foreign funeral on some films and foreign drama.

2. The language of Clothes (preparation for next weeks topic):a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?

Because, if we have no informatione for the clothes, we can't wash it properly.
Then, label is really important for people who have skin allergy to decide to buy the cloth because they might feel itchy because of some fabrics.
That is why label is important for us to wear comfortable clothes.

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?

I think it means don't judge people only their looks.
You have to know their inside face or character and also it means people are not just what they looks like.

3 件のコメント:

nyaa さんのコメント...

Hi, I like your answer! You said "Because, if we have no informatione for the clothes, we can't wash it properly." Yes, that's true, and we want to know the size too! ^^

yoppy さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment!
Yeah, size is also one of the important details to choose clothes.

bullet train さんのコメント...

1 b. No I have never seen foreign funeral. But I sometimes watch one of the foreign funerals on TV's news.