

Do you agree with the writer? Why? Give at least 3 examples to support your answer.

I agree with her
I think it is good to learn English as much as early.
Recently, government focuse on early English education.
I think it is great to promote English education for children, but how to introduce English education in elementary school is main problem.
In Japan, English is not necessary for our daily life. We don't have to speak English except English class. The level of grammar can catch up, if student start to study English at junior high school. However, pronuciation, fluency and accuracy will not master easily.

Teacher's speaking level is important. As article mentioned, there are few teacher who have English teaching certification at elementary school.
Moreover English level is less.
I think it is good to speak with native speaker because they can do task more practically.
At first step, it is important to feel them that "Speaking English is fun!!".
Then, they may think "I want to speak more !".
The feeling promote English education, I think.

Clearly, Japanese English level is low than other country in Asia.
For example, In Korea, almost children go abroad to study English. It becomes a social phenomenon. It shows how focuse English education in Korea.
English is no more foreign language and English is lingua franca.
That is why we should promote our English level or we will be left behind by the global movement.

Japan Times article

Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese).

I agree with the author.
In the past, Japanese men are bigotry and arrogant, so women tended to follow them.
However, it changed and now, Japanese women are more poweful than men, I think.
For example, "Oniyome"(a devil wife) is getting increase. It means women have real power at home. That is because men become be likely women and women tend to be likely men.
Perhaps,this merriage life also connect with out of love of men.
They can't describe happy marriage life and they give up love relationship.

Then, if it is decreasing number of marriage couple, low birth date phenomenon become more serious problem for us.
Love relationship is not easy in fact, it is always complicated.
That is why it is more intresting than jobs and hobbies.
I think Japanese men have to change their mind right away. Then they should think about love more seriously.

Class #10 Table Manners

Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant?
Yes, I have.

In England and Korea.

What did you eat?
In England, I ate English breakfast at hotel. In Korea, I ate Bibinnba and Kimuchi etc.

Did you make any mistakes?

In England, they use fork and knife, so it is quite difficult for me to use them at first.
However, basic table manner is almost same as Japan, I think.
In case of Korea, they use silver chopsticks and spoon.
When I ate lunch box, there were rice crackers. I thought these eat for dessert but actually it is eaten for mixing spicy and sweet flavors! Almost of all Korean food is quite hot for Japanese, so rice crackers are useful for us.


Class #8 Homework

Please answer the following questions in your blog:Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii?What is your ideal wedding? What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

In the past, it is common to have a massive wedding in Japan, but these days, people prefer to having small wedding, I suppose.
I don't think it is good idea to have a massive wedding! It is waste of money! I wanna be celebrated by only our family and familiar persons because wedding is not entertaiment shows! ha ha! I think wedding is ceremony to make sure vows, so I don't wanna invite so many people. I think having wedding ina foreign location is really great idea because we don't have to invite many people and also we enjoy honey moon!!
My ideal wedding is... having wedding in the small and romantic church which is located in hill!!! We can look over the city from the church!
Then, I wanna wear simple white dress and put on a long white veil! It's my dream to put on a long white veil.. Moreover, I like flowers, so I wanna bring beautiful bouquet!
Of course, my ideal man gives me smile bisides me!!!!! ha ha ha!

Superstitions Homework

We talked about many superstitions in many countries, but do you think it is important to talk about them? Why?Is communication affected by superstitions?
Do you believe in Japanese superstitions?
If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do,use, or believe in them?

I think it is important to talk about superstitions because it strongly connects with our cultures, custom and taboo. We must know taboo in each countries and follow them when we visit there.
Then, communication is affected by superstitions, I think.
Some superstitions may hard to understand or accept but if we try to accept it, we can communicate more easily!
I guess old people tend to believe superstitions in Japan. Actually, my grandmother knows so many superstitions and she almost follows it! For example, when I try to cut my nails at night, she says "Don't do that! You can't be present at your parents's death!!" .
Of course, there is no evidence or reasons, so I don't believe in Japanese superstitions!
However, when I become sensitive about the topic, perhaps, I may follow the superstition.


Today we talked about time in different societies and the English words associated with them. For homework, answer the following question:The English language has many proverbs and sayings about time.

1. Time is money. 2.A stitch in time saves nine. 3.There's no time like the present. 4. Fashionable late.
Please explain what you think are the meanings of each of the 4 expressions.

1. Time is money

There is the same proverb in Japan! It means we should not waste of time because time is really valuable. In business world, we have to work with swiftness and precision, so "Time is money" often uses in business world. For example, when people waste of time, we say "Time is money" which means "Hurry up or you will lose money(customers) ".

2. A stitch in time saves nine.

I have never heard it! However I guess it means if we do something as quickly as I can, we don't have to worry later. There is slightly same proverb in Japan. In Japanese, we say "転ばぬ先の杖" . It is hard to stitch a big rip, so we should stitch before getting big.

3. There's no time like the present.

I suppose it means this is the best chance, so we shouldn't miss it.
For example, when we try to start something new, we say it to encourage them.

4. Fashionable late

I think it means trend fashion is changing soon, so what we wear now is getting old fashion.
I suppose there is fashion cycle. For example, recently retro fashion is really popular among young people, but retro fashion got hot about 30 or40 years ago! It's really intresting.



Today we discussed the language of clothes.

After listening to the lecture and the meaning of colors in clothing, answer the following questions:1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

Honestly, I judge people according to what they wear. I think most people look appearance at first sight and appearance is connected with clothes. For example, if we look uniform, we can guess the person's job or organization. Moreover, clothes express the person's personality. Some people who is wearing expensive designer goods must be rich and proud of themselves and also they like new things. On the other hand, some people who don't care about clothes have own opinion and they aren't influenced by around people.

2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

Yes, I think so.
I know it is not good to judge people by looking only clothes because I can't understand their inside face by looking just their clothes. However, first impression is really important in Japan, so clothes is one of the way to judge the person in Japanese society. Especially, foreigners stand out just their appearance, so Japanese look their clothes and judge the person.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I'm wearing black shirts, black jacket and jeans now.
Yeah, I think they reflect my mood. I'm relaxing and feel comfortable now. I like black because black suit any clothes and also makes me calm down, I think. That is why I have a lot of black clothes.

Next week we will discuss friends, please prepare by answering the following questions:1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I will never discuss about money and politic with my friends. I think money definitely causes trouble with friendship, so I don't lend money to my friends and borrow from them. Of course, I don't discuss with my friends about my salary at part time job because money is deeply private things. Recently, Japanese young people rarely discuss about politics with friends. Actually, we are not intrested in politics and it is too serious subject for us to discuss with friends. However, I think we need to discuss about that because politics strongly connect with our life and future, so we must think and discuss about politics more.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes, I have. They already have worked as a member of society although they are same age as me. It is interesting for me to hear about their job. I talk about my free time and favorite actors and films etc.. I talk about almost same thing and go to same places as talking other friends. I go to cafe and have a lunch or go shopping sometimes.